The Mundane (in Black and White)

My second series on the beauty in the mundane is in black and white. In street photography, there are so many elements to organize and make sense of in order to compose a compelling photograph. If felt completely overwhelming in the beginning. As a consequence, I felt the urge and necessity to simplify things as much as possible. So, I took out color. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted of my shoulders. It is easier to focus on contrast, the play of light and shadow, but also textures and forms, in the absence of color.

This was the beginning of a wonderful journey. One I am still on and one that will last a life time. As I am writing these words, I realize that I cannot yet explain why I am so drawn to black and white photography. I have a feeling that black and white photography is a school of emotions and feelings. Every other explanation does not add up for me personally. I feel like it is easier to convey emotions with color. So maybe my journey into black and white is a journey into the spectrum of human emotions and feelings. I guess time will tell. There is still a lot I have to learn. And, I am all here for it.